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(storyboard)A Dragon In The Castle

one: selling apples

two: an invitation to meet the king

three: practicing for the show

four: the show!

five: an apple to replace the king

six: a dragon in the castle



So not to bruise each apple settled on, a rope traveled along a shoulder, across his back, looped a time around a basket that gladly bounced against a hip then finally to his shoulder to a nice, tight knot.  Each new apple torn from it’s snapping back twig admired as much as the last.  Sun bright and full; not a cloud in the sky.  No worries to note while hanging about on this tiny island.  Unless, there is such a thing called too many apple trees.  Its crowded grass shoreline shaped in the likes of a pear not too far out to sea.  Some time ago, he came upon this perfectly placed above sea level rich soil to his surprise, when his fishing pole screamed for attention as it unwound.  One hand helped himself to stand stable, the other locked the cast housing then off they went.  A fish, strong as an ox, pulled him far away from his shadowed, shallow, thick in ocean’s grass fishing cove.  The pole, anchored to the front of his small boat, wouldn't break against the incredible force.  The jolt sent him tumbling to the rear.   Quite a moment of time past when he heard the line snap.  His boat slowed a bit though ended

and then slide onto shore.

The island is full of grass

There is one tree in the very center

It is an apple tree.

An apple falls from the tree, lands on the ground.

He picks it up and wipes it off on his shirt and takes a bite.

It is delicious.

When he gets done with the apple he doesn’t know what to do with it’s core.

He digs into the ground then drops it inside.

He plucks an apple from the tree, eats it, and again plants its core.       

And that is where we see him now

The apples landing in a wheelbarrow.

He pushes the wheelbarrow to the shore where he has empty baskets waiting for him.

He fills up each basket.

He places the baskets in his row boat.

He rows his boat to the main land.

He reaches the main land shore, grabs a basket and goes over to a few bushes where his push cart is parked.

He sits the basket down to remove a few handheld bushes from the cart.

He places the basket on a shelf on the cart and goes back to his boat.

He grabs another basket and heads for his cart.

And again, and again.

He entertains the people who walk by his cart, talking, smiling, conversating while selling his apples. 


A member of the kingdom watches him and goes back to the kingdom, he tells XXX that there is a person in town who would be a great fit for the kingdom to entertain the king and all whom he invites.  They say bring him to me.



In the morning, they wait for him on the shore as he is bringing apples.

He tries to row away from them.

A soldier walks out in the water to his boat and ties a rope to a hook.

The other soldiers reels him in.

The shoreline is scattered with apples.

There are dozens of apples in the water.

The waves are dropping the apples on shore.

The boat’s nose is planted in the sand and the rest of it is swaying in the water.



They put him in a room and tells him he has a new job.  You do not have to sell apples any longer.  Now, you are the court jester.

He is not happy, he is terrified for his life.

They do art work and places them about the castle.

He writes a few skits with XXX and practices them.



He is terrified before the show, so XXX dresses him, puts happy makeup on his face to shield the look of terror for his expression.  Hat, jacket, pants and shoes of joy.

He entertains the king for the first time.  Everything he does during his performance the king loves.

Now he feels safe.



He asked FEMALE if he can go on top of the castle to see the land.  FEMALE takes him and he tells FEMALE he likes his new job. 

He can see all the castle’s land, the nearby town and the ocean.  And somewhere out there is his apple island.

The only thing he misses is pulling apples from the trees.

FEMALE presents to him an apple.

“You don’t deserve to be here.  You need to be out there with the people.  They love and miss you.  They love and miss your apples”

“I am heir to the throne.  If you give this apple to your king it will set you free.”

After FEMALE leaves, he talks to himself aloud.  He doesn’t want to kill to king.  The king has provided a wonderful life for me here in the castle.  I no longer have clothing that is dirty, ripped.  My basic needs are full filled.  My room is fantastic and high above in the castle.  I paint pictures whenever I desire and hang them about the castle.  He feels threatened by FEMALE, if he doesn’t give the king the apple FEMALE will do harm to him.  If he tells the king what she told him FEMALE could lie and say it was his plot not hers.  “I am left with no choice but to eat the apple”

He orders a basket of apples from the kitchen, he says it’s for a show.  it’s the only apple with a steam and leaf in the basket.



At the very next show, he finally gets to the basket part of his show.  He tosses them to the room in the audience.  He takes one for himself.  He has given an apple to everyone except the king.  He tells a tale with the apple still inside the basket.  The tale is about living a life that is wonderful and he says out of all the lives to live, I had the most wonderful of them all, I get to make our king live in happiness.  He tosses the apple to the king, he catches it.  He takes the last apple out of the basket.  He thinks he is about to take his last breath after biting into the apple, but instead...he turns over his props, he screams in horror, the king orders help.  When the crowd surrounds him, he is now a horrific, terrifying, dangerous dragon.  The kingdom attacks him with fire torches, spears, axes, swords, spiked ball and chain and he retreats out to sea, he lands in the water and tries to push a speak from his side, he grabs hold of it with his teeth and pulls it out, blood pours out into the water, he surfaces and floats on his back holding the opened wound trying to get it to clot, it finally does and he goes to the island, his apple island, where he spends his days alone.

The king finds out that it was her plan, he jails her and invites the dragon to live in the kingdom.

The people love the dragon just as much as they did when he was a man.

A necklace is given to the dragon for a gift.

(storyboard)A Dragon In The Castle

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