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Nothing like the cleanest room on the block.  For Doctor X it is a must.  Decades of knowing you have an exceptional idea although without the clause seeing is believing is tough and also emotionally rough for oneself from fellow colleagues.  Ideas for improving mankind is fine nonetheless the aspect of including workable science ‘tis also a must.  Stay within the boundaries of the physics of the universe, anything is possible.  All pieces have to make sense and coexist and not destroy others or one another.  The idea of not knowing everything that needs to be known to produce a product is second nature.  If even one piece deems unreachable at the current time in time by the ones whom would know such a thing, then for sure for now it can only be a no go.  But what if you had that missing information?  In your mind it makes all the sense in the world.  Simply, really.  But, might as well stick to the clause that causes bumps and bruises if not adhered to; seeing is believing.

Everything perfect.  Bed with characteristics to that of a table, check.  Needles, IV tubing, fluids, custom altered at bit dialysis machine, defibrillator, clear canisters, smart computers and smart machines, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check.  Notebooks and pens, check.  On his desk in the other room sits his manifesto.  Always kept propped open to one page or another.  Everything seems right and ready.  All he needs is two warm bodies to assist him.  Determination tastes so good.


A four-door sedan stopped in front of the key pad at the entrance to Professor’s facility.  Such a nice day explains why his windows were down.  Dogs on the other side of the fence barked and barked.  HIS guest made an expression like ugh, evil dogs.  His eyes searched for a call button but only found what looked like a card scanner and speaker.

‘Johnny.  Welcome, sir.  Drive on thru.  Park near the front door.  I’m on my way down right now.’

‘Thank you.  Yes, sir.’

Prof. X continued to arrange and stack items and supplies.  Two lab jackets pulled from a box to be sent directly to a clothes hanger.  Their position took to a clothes rack near a tall book shelf alongside other work attire for the new hires.  Another chime from the front gate signaled for his attention.  He took to his security desk to answer the awaited call.  ‘Twas Kathleen.  His second appointment and second assistant hopeful.  She made the two-hour trip from the hills where she recently graduated from a school in medicine.  Johnny earned his engineer degree.  Once he came to a stopping point upon deciding all well and ready for the two, Professor X closed the door behind him.


He hires a man (C) to try to get A & B to betray him.

C fails.

X keeps A&B.

X tells A & B that C betrayed them and uses C for an experiment.

X hires a maid (D).

While he’s hiring a woman (E) for the second position for the experiment, he has to deal with D for betraying X.

Now he has two bodies for the experiment and asks E if she wants to be the maid that all of the positions are full.


“What are you doing?  The first ten years were thrown in the trash because of someone like you.  I didn’t get to kill her.  But, that would have just been a punishment.  In order to have kept it from being thrown in the trash, I would have had to kill her prior.  But, that would be impossible, unless I was just like her, which reminds me of you.  So, now that we’re here, I suppose I better kill you in thankfulness.  I wish there was some way that I could have known to kill her sooner, before it’s too late, just like you.’


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